Last Update 3 July, 2024

            Home of the Newport Dealeys 



"Shipmates are Forever"

This site is dedicated to the nine Dealeys Class ships and shipmates that were based in Newport Rhode Island from 1954 through 1973

USS Dealey DE-1006
USS Cromwell DE1014
USS Hammerberg DE-1015
USS Courtney DE-1021
USS Lester DE1022
USS John Willis DE-1027
USS Van Voorhis DE-1028
USS Hartley DE-1029
USS Joseph K Taussig DE-1030




Pier 1 and 2 Newport RI
Mid 1960s


 Courtesy of Tom Sobeck
USS Hartley

The Dealey Class Destroyer Escort 




USS Dealey DE 1006 

The lead destroyer escort of the Dealey (DE-1006) class was authorized in FY1952. DE-1014 and 1015 followed in FY1953, DE-1021 and 1022 in FY1954, and DE-1023 thru 1030 in FY1955 for a total of thirteen ships. These were commissioned in the US Navy 1954-58. DE-1039, 1042, and 1046 of this design were authorized as offshore procurements for the Portugese Navy, DE-1007 thru 1013 and 1016 thru 1019 were offshore procurements for the French Navy, and DE-1020 for the Italian Navy; all built in foreign shipyards to the DE-1006 specification. A total of fifteen offshore procurements were built.

These were the first escort ships built for the US Navy following World War II. They were to carry a Mk17 Hedgehog launcher which utilized a 5-inch/38 mounting and carried 61 rounds but this program was cancelled. Dealey (DE-1006) was fitted with "Squid", a British ASW weapon, in 1954 but this weapon was found unsuitable and was removed. These ships were slightly faster and larger than their Second World War predecessors. They were fitted with the newer Mk33 3-inch guns in twin mounts, the Weapon "Alpha" ASW rocket, one depth charge rack and six depth charge projectors. They were later modernized; the Weapon Alpha and depth charge equipment was removed and replaced with the Mk112 ASROC 8-tube anti-submarine rocket launcher which could fire a nuclear tipped depth charge or encapsulated Mk46 torpedo, and two triple Mk32 torpedo mounts which could fire the Mk46 lightweight homing torpedo.

 Their service life was short, on average fifteen years; the class was decommissioned 1972-73 after introduction of the Knox (DE-1052) class frigates which were much larger and more capable. The inability of this class to carry ASW helicopters contributed to their early retirement. USS Dealey (DE-1006) was transferred to Uruguay and USS Hartley (DE-1029) to Columbia in July 1972. The remaining ships were sold for scrap.


A call to our Newport Dealeys shipmates 
if you have any Newport Dealeys related photos, stories or ideas to improve this web site
please share them with us by contacting the web master.